About Us
On a Mission Pest Solutions is owned and operated by Michael and Christi Macaluso—that’s us. Michael has been involved in the technical aspect of subtropical pest control for many years, dating all the way back to his first part-time pest control job as a teenager. Christi is more familiar with the administrative side of things. Together, we’re an excellent team in life and business!
Our daughter and two sons keep us busy . . . we spend time at the beach when we can, between homework and sports events and high school art shows. On Sundays you can find us at our church, which we’d love to invite you to if you don’t already have a church home of your own.
We are honored to have caught your attention as you visit our web page; we hope to have the opportunity to serve you!

Our Philosophy
As we considered the prospect of launching our own pest control company, we thought long and hard about what qualities we most appreciate in a service company. Without question, our primary concern was and is customer service. We have made it our mission to recognize the personal value of each and every client and potential client we are fortunate enough to encounter. In this respect, we can’t imagine any higher standard of customer service than what we’ve learned from Jesus: that we do to others what we would have them do to us. We know how we want to be treated—with respect, with honesty, and with our best interests in mind. We feel compelled to treat our customers the same way.
Additionally, we knew that we wanted to do pest control in a way that would be effective without causing harm to our planet or endangering our families and friends. As stewards of the world that God created, we believe it’s our responsibility to treat it with the best possible care. Michael intentionally keeps up on the newest methods and latest advances in the industry, looking for solutions that require minimal to no chemical use.
Now you know the heart of On a Mission Pest Solutions . . . . we hope one day to have the opportunity to demonstrate it for you!