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On A Mission Pest Solutions understands the importance of having a beautiful yard, both for aesthetic value and curb appeal and for the enjoyment of spending time there.  Our customizable Lawn & Ornamental services range from insect and disease control to fertilization and weed control.  Basically, we can do everything to make your lawn look healthy and beautiful apart from cutting the grass!

Insects & Disease

There are so many things year round which can affect the health of your grass, shrubs, hedges and trees here in South Florida.  You can trust us not only to effectively diagnose and treat the issues, but also to design recurring service plans which match plants with their appropriate seasonal needs.

Our services include treatment for and prevention of:

  • Grubs
  • Chinch Bugs
  • Sod Webworms
  • Aphids
  • Whitefly
  • Thrips
  • Sri Lanka Weevils
  • Dollar Spot
  • Brown Patch
  • Pythium Blight
  • Take All Root Rot
  • Gray Leaf Spot


There are multiple kinds of turfgrass in Florida and not all turf needs the same things at the same time. We are here to custom design a responsible turf care package that will provide the nutrients your lawn needs while also being cognizant of environmental impacts. We understand the importance of controlling runoff into lakes and waterways and we are committed to doing our part to protect the things that make Florida beautiful.